Dog tags
Reconciles many in to so called different army world apply use niesmiertelniki ang. dog tags It dates from similarity for identification tables pinned home domestic animals – name it, for example, for example, exemplary dog . There are metal two blaszki or blaszka, it is possible to break which who can on two by through on neck that part frequent borne soldier. Unsubscribe is data give on unmortal soldier basic, such as name, surname, degree unit, group of blood either or confession. They enable identification of soldier allow in to its his case of chance of death on field of battle and e.g. information of group of blood . have have become during in time in some departments squads first begin introducing war secessional niesmiertelniki. Then, sweat they in individual armies next begin spread, especially particularly, during in time particularly first world war. They were present in polish army too Niesmiertelniki, where they were used wars during in time in 1920 year used already . In order to well goods right niesmiertelniki dog tags, must be executed on operation of adverse factor made material resistant, such as for example, for example, exemplary corrosion. Metals for their production take advantage such as aluminum, or they have have become nierdzewnej. Inscriptions are with data on table bearing person dog tags wytloczone, that precludes prevent smearing .